Photo submissions for The Mario Mosaic 2.0 closed on October 16, 2018. In celebration of the Mario Lemieux Foundation’s 25th Anniversary, we have created a new version of The Mario Mosaic, a fan-driven, interactive photo experience honoring Pittsburgh Penguins legend Mario Lemieux and his evolution from player to owner to philanthropist. Added support for Windows 10. Added support for MATLAB 2014b, 2015a and 2015b. Accelerated Run PCA ICA App. Added the Visualize ICs App to provide a useful visualization of a movie with extracted IC images and traces.
This section describes how to install Mosaic on your computer. First checkthat your computer meets the recommended System Requirements.
Then, you should go to the Inscopix website and download the latest versionof Mosaic. You can choose from two types of installations.
If you have a MATLAB license, we recommend that you install theMosaic MATLAB Package because of the API and because it starts up morequickly than the Mosaic Standalone.
Since Mosaic version 1.1, you must also have a Mosaic license. You canrequest a Mosaic license from the Inscopix website, which should alsoprovide further instructions.
If you cannot access the installer or license request form on the Inscopixwebsite, please contact and request permission to download Mosaic.
The high-definition (HD) data acquired by the nVista system can require asignificant amount of storage space. In order to store these, Mosaic uses acombination of random access memory (RAM) and permanent storage space, suchas a hard disk drive. Temporary files that exceed RAM are stored temporarilyon the permanent storage. It is important to have enough storage space tostore the all of the temporary files. As a guideline, acquiring 30 minutesof data at the frame rate of 20 Hz at full image resolution would requireapproximately 110GB of space.
Therefore, in order to run Mosaic efficiently, you should have access to asystem that has access to a large amount of fast RAM and a permanent storagedevice with fast read/write access and plenty of space. Below, we give somerecommended minimum specifications for a system that would run Mosaicefficiently.
Mosaic currently supports 64-bit versions of Windows 7 Professional andWindows 10 Pro.
If you are planning to install the Mosaic MATLAB Package, you must alsohave MATLAB installed.For Windows 7 Professional, we support MATLAB versions from R2013a to 2015b.For Windows 10 Pro, we support MATLAB versions from R2015a to R2015b due tothe support describedhere .
Running the Mosaic MATLAB package requires a valid MATLAB license as wellas the toolboxes listed in the table below:
Required Toolboxes | Recommended Toolboxes | Optional Toolboxes |
Image Processing | Signal Processing | Parallel Computing |
Statistics and Machine Learning |
After you have installed both MATLAB and Mosaic, open MATLAB and add theMosaic src directory to your MATLAB path to use the package. For example,if you used the default install directory, the src directory isC:ProgramFilesInscopixMosaic-MATLABsrc.
In order to verify that you correctly installed Mosaic, open MATLAB and run:
which should open the Mosaic graphical user interface.
To start a Mosaic script session, run:
and then run:
to bring up help for the MATLAB API in your native web browser.
First, remove any existing Mosaic Standalone installations. Note that you donot need to remove any existing Mosaic MATLAB package installations.
Next, run the Mosaic installer and follow the steps in the installationapplication.
Verify that you successfully installed Mosaic by running the application.You should see a splash screen, eventually followed by the Mosaic GUI.
The Mosaic Standalone requires an active installation of Matlab CompilerRuntime (MCR), version 2013a. There is no fee for the MCR and it shouldnot affect any existing installations of MATLAB or other versions of theMCR. If the correct version of the MCR is not detected duringinstallation of Mosaic, there will be a prompt to download it. In thiscase, the Mosaic Standalone installer will need to be relaunchedfollowing the MCR installation.
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After you have finished the installer, you will be prompted to restartyour computer. If you choose not to restart your computer before runningMosaic, your preferences may not be retained from one session to another.
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Even if you restart your computer, your preferences may not be savedafter the first run of Mosaic after it has been installed. This isbecause the MCR may be using a smaller cache size than specified by theMCR_CACHE_SIZE environment variable. Preferences should always be savedafter the second run of Mosaic. If they are not, please .
The Mosaic Standalone can take quite a long time to start up, especiallywhen it is run for the first time. Please be patient and wait for theMosaic GUI to appear, which may be quite some time after the splashscreen disappears.